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WHO WE ARE:  The Southport Planning Board is a quasi-judicial body that is charged with three major responsibilities: maintaining the Land Use Ordinance, maintaining a Comprehensive Plan, and reviewing applications for permits for certain building and other activities. 


MAKE UP:  The all volunteer Board is made up of 5 voting members and 3 alternates appointed by the Selectmen.  There is a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and a recording secretary. The building inspector and code enforcement officer are ex-officio members of the Board.


MEETINGS:  Regular monthly meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month (provided there is business to consider) at 5:00pm at the Town Offices. Whenever possible, other types of meetings (like public hearings) are held in conjunction with regular meetings. In general, notices of meetings are published in the Boothbay Register a week prior to the meeting.  With the sole exception of Executive Sessions, all Board meetings are open to the public and public input is always welcome.


WHAT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR: (1) issuing permits for proposed additions to non-conforming buildings within 75 feet of high-water; (2) conducting site plan reviews and establishing conditions for non-residential land uses; (3) approving subdivision proposals; and (4) approving relocation, reconstruction or changes in use of a non-conforming structure.


DOING BUSINESS WITH US:  If you think you have a project that will require Planning Board review, you should obtain a building permit application from the Building Inspector.  The Board only considers fully completed applications for a building permit.  The Board does not do "informational meetings" or otherwise provide advance advice or counsel about how you might accomplish your project. You will find the Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer more than willing to help you navigate the requirements of the Land Use Ordinance.  All applications for a building permit must be completed and submitted to the Building Inspector at least 14 days prior to a scheduled Planning Board meeting in order to be placed on the agenda.  While this may seem a long lead time, please remember we are required to publish an agenda for the public at least 7 days in advance of our meetings.



Skip Simonds, Chair

Geoff Chatterton, Vice Chair

Bruce Joule, Secretary

Jennifer Gaudette

Bruce White

Alternate Members

Donald Duncan

Jeff Long

Oliver Cusano

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